Pride is one of the things that God doesn’t like.
So much so the Bible says He resists the proud. He offers resistance to those who are prideful. He doesn’t want much to do with pride. In Proverbs 6:17, it says that He hates a proud look. In other words, a person’s prideful attitude.
Proverbs 16:5 AMP says, “Everyone who is proud and arrogant in heart is disgusting and exceedingly offensive to the Lord; Be assured he will not go unpunished.”
What is pride? It’s a conceited sense of one’s superiority or a posture of superiority toward others.
Based on that alone tells us that being prideful is a dangerous place to be. This is because pride glories in itself and all glory belongs to God.
On our best days we are still no candidate for glory. All glory belongs to God and God alone.
This is what got Satan into trouble, he became prideful and he had a great fall. God does not tolerate pride and you shouldn’t either.
Pride is destructive and disastrous in any relationship.
Pride is not something that God prospers.
Therefore you cannot have a prosperous relationship as a prideful person or if the person you are in relation with is prideful.
Pride will cause your connection to collide.
Lets define collide.
To collide means, according to Oxford, to come into conflict or opposition. Pride will cause conflict in your connections. It creates resistance in relationships.
It’s hard to have a healthy relationship with a prideful person.
God warns against pride and you should consider it a warning when it comes to a relationship. If the person is prideful, reconsider the relationship because pride also leads to other things.
There are other evils the Bible talks about that pride leads to but I just want to focus on three in regards to relationships.
One, pride leads to self-deception.
Galatians 6:3 AMP says, “For if anyone thinks he is something [special] when [in fact] he is nothing [special except in his own eyes], he deceives himself.”
Self-deception is the worst deception. It’s hard to be in relation with a self-deceived person. A self-deceived person is the person who is conceited. A self-deceived person is the person who boasts in themselves and exalt themselves above others.
Secondly, pride leads to a hard heart.
Psalms 36:2 AMP says, “For he flatters and deceives himself in his own eyes Thinking that his sinfulness will not be discovered and hated [by God].”
We talked about a hard heart in episode 16. A flattery person is an egotistical person. This is the person that will see everyone else’s wrongdoing except their own. This is the type of person who hates to admit that they are wrong.
Thirdly, pride leads to strife.
Proverbs 13:10 AMP says, “Through pride and presumption come nothing but strife, But [skillful and godly] wisdom is with those who welcome [well-advised] counsel.”
This type of person is the unteachable person. You can’t tell them nothing because they know everything. Instead of them responding to advice or counsel with a teachable spirit, they respond with bickering and disagreement.
Wise people are those with a teachable spirit.
Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 that love is not proud. Love is the exact opposite. Love is humble, gentle and never forceful.
Now, having self-esteem is not the same as pride. Or having a positive mental attitude. Pride speaks of arrogance and being self-serving.
Pride always focuses on the self and will ruin a relationship.
The Bible says that pride comes before a fall. Many relationships have fallen or are falling because of pride, don’t let that be the case for you and your relationship.
God gives grace to the humble. You want a graceful relationship, that grows in grace. Not a relationship that’s pumped with pride.
Pride always leads to a collision!